In caricature?
which character are you playing?
Cheapest plastic surgery ever!…The pic is ...(vaguely) me!!... through the fingers of an artist at a client's business 'birthday.'
Isn't it strange how others see us differently to how we see ourselves?
How do we see ourselves?
If asked, would you list your faults faster than your strengths 💪?
Most of us do. Many struggle to write a CV or profile, whereas I can for them easily. Clients laugh 😂 when they realise how hard they are on themselves.
How do you see yourself and what do you hide?
Hiding 🕵 what we don't want people to see removes other parts too - because we're tense and acting unnaturally.
I’m unsure which ‘me’ to be at a work-related social - in case being out of 'professional mode' causes surprise.
So, how does that make us act?
But we can switch off a whole side - the side someone may relate to.
It's like a personality bypass, removing the funny or curious 👀 character, the deeply caring colleague, or he/she with clever ideas or encyclopedic knowledge.
How do you act?
1. Outside work what are you appreciated for?
2. How different is the work and home 🏠 'you'?
3. What gets hidden?
4. And why?
5. At your funeral, would the bits you're hiding be mentioned more than the pieces you're professionally showing?
It's usually a YES.
So what next?
More of our human side - risking vulnerability, showing care 💗, passion and humour...these make us relatable, to build rapport with, to trust.
PLUS - it's easier being.... us!