1:1 Coaching


imagine Stopping the ‘shoulds’ rattling around your head ..

…and heading towards your wants:

Be heard, with safe space for reflecting, exploring (even smiling!) ..

and start instigating action, proving your worth.

Your coach, Clare Haynes, has 22 years of experience - with over 1000 clients.

Clare has a knack for personality profiling whoever you’re dealing with (with only a brief amount of background) to help you navigate your next conversation with confidence.

Get in touch directly for executive coaching or private coaching, or via your manager or HR.

Here’s how coaching works and see below for client stories.


You seem to know exactly what’s needed and when. You get the right thing out of me just at the right time!
— Senior Partner, Digital Media Company

CLIENT stories:


a senior technical staff member lacked confidence to be assertive with clients:

She needed to find the nerve to own her authority without feeling intimidated or inadequate.

Exploring the personal and professional self-talk, plus specific stumbling blocks, helped her to look outwards and realise her value.

After 3 executive coaching sessions and many deep breaths, within months her career had jumped two levels.


a successful software sales exec needed to present at a conference he urgently needed to beat the paralysing fear of public speaking:

Identifying triggers and unravelling the background to his enormous fear and dread was the starting point. Then developing strategies.

This was not to just cope with speaking in public, but to use his talents and expertise, to successfully engage a large audience enthusiastically and with confidence.

After two half day sessions and only 5 days later, he presented at that conference, the first of many.


post-restructuring fallout led to a Sales manager railing against ‘the system’:

This manager needed to get past deep resentment and upset which was impacting the sales team.

Despite an initial suspicion of the coaching, after 4 sessions the manager adapted better to changes and was growing in confidence.

He focused on the day-to-day priorities, re-focused on targets and driving team sales.


an international building trade supplier lacked any coaching/development culture and an abrupt senior management was causing hostility:

3 tiers of management had no or little coaching experience. They hadn’t had staff-management training and felt out of their depth and stressed.

A bespoke coaching skills programme was designed for each tier, with a consistent thread, working within work shift patterns and commercial business routines.

Over 4 months of facilitated workshops and wrap-around tools, all managers and supervisors had acquired the understanding and ability to support teams through coaching.

Managers rapidly reported back their own boost in confidence, team cohesion and unexpected upskilling.