Undeliberately adding to drama?

The upset, the hand-wringing, the stress, the tension, the drop in confidence, the stonewalling, the angst, the frustration...

A veeeerrry long story was unfurling:

🍽️ We were about to break for lunch, when a hand went up and a HUGE story flowed...

Like a soap opera, it was multi-storylined..

🎬With someone going over someone else's head, then disrespecting seniority, plus possible discrimination, then returning from the shadows of secondment... 

It flowed....

With more characters than Bridgerton, there were senior managers, team managers, heads of departments and their managers. 

And it flowed....

I focused hard, in order to follow. I got lost - as did the training course participants, whilst maintaining their 'polite face' expressions. Thankfully no-one got hangry!

In short: To wrestle this scenario, the storyteller was considering emailing the boss to sort it 📩. 

I had to interject.

Internally I was howling 'Nooooooooo!' but, luckily, only a controlled 'You need to speak' escaped!  

Because the lack of conversation and hiding behind screens were the culprits.

(And have you noticed how the longer a situation goes on for, the more emotional (heated, delicate, tense) it becomes?)

Writing is a just a missive. The recipient can be dismissive. A verbal 2-way stands a better chance of accountability and insights. 

And, whilst conversation isn't guaranteed results, it beats hiding in inboxes and leaves drama where it belongs - on the telly 📺. 

Conversation can take courage. We all have the capacity to find it. A moment of  courage sets something in motion. 

Where do you see drama hiding behind screens? Let me know!

Wishing you confident conversations!

​​P.S. World Listening Day is 18th July - if you're not getting heard or need tactics to kick off a moment of courage, get in touch! 

An enlightening session provided me with a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies.
— Analytics Lead, Healthcare - attending influencing & negotiation skills workshop